jueves, 1 de julio de 2010

My last blog

Hello everybody! Today is a special day because is the last blog and in this I’m going to talk about my blogging experience.
First of all, I must to say that this experience in the beginning was some worrying for me because I had never written so much in English in a one day and evaluated it too.
About the comments I believe that I learned a new words but I need more practice.
My teacher correct me mainly some verbs and some articles in the different blogs and the order of some sentences too.
Related with the topics in the blogs, I think that the majority were very interesting because were related with the career that I am studying.
For me the topics most difficult were the “Gender role in the health” and “Career-related website” because I did not have more information about the topic and I consider that the topic was not very interesting to write a blog.
The blog that I liked more was “My favorite subject” and “My future as a midwife”, because this blog were related with my career.
About the blog of my classmates I think that every were very interesting because I had the opportunity of know more about my partners.